2010-04-07 오후 4:54:39 Hit. 3107
추천 부탁 드립니다~ (__) 상병의 길은 멀군요~ ㅜㅜ저번에 네오감마 8 파이널을 올려서 이제는 안나오나 했는데8버전의 파이널이군요 ^^;;그래서 이번에는 네오감마 1,2는 빼고 바로 NeoGamma R9 Beta 3 버전을 올림니다..All R9 GC stuff is only revevant if a compatible cMIOS is used, and NeoGamma is set to internal GC mode.Compatible cMIOS are only WiiGator's at the moment, but Waninkoko's cMIOS rev6 should be compatible as soon as it is released.For more details see gamecube.txtR9 beta 3- Fixed alt .dol disc+ bug causing some .dols to be unloadable- Added .wdm file for Rampage: Total Destrucion (by woodoste)- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Hopefully fixed code dump when playing certain backups that are not multi game discs(bug found by Levente)R9 beta 2- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Added support for retail discs- Gamecube loading(internal GC mode): Changed video mode code, only confirmed working video mode is NTSC480i, PAL480i is confirmed to NOT work at the moment, PAL576i seems to work, progressive unknown- Gamecube loading: Clearing bss before loading .dol sections for homebrew .dols(only relevant when building a cMIOS)R9 beta 1- Gamecube multi game disc selection moved to wii mode(compatible cMIOS + GC mode 'internal' only) see gamecube.txt for details- Fixed controls(support 2nd, 3rd and 4th controller, shutdown always possible when waiting for button press)